

John PAUL Rollert

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Leaving Home

It is the spring that lies before me--not second semester--and I'm finding it hard to make the change. The academic


Unknowingly, We All Reap Benefits from the Council

For those of you who might have missed it, on Friday last week, a gentleman from the undergraduate community wrote


Tailgating, Harvard Style

For those of you who weren't at The Game last Saturday, the real action wasn't on the field but in


One Test Everybody Passed

We all know them. They were in our proctor groups, or we've seen them at the Grille. They've taken classes


Groaning Our Way to the Polls

Many of you spent a lot of time groaning this past summer. I know this because I too watched the

Giving John Rocker Just What He Deserves

I booed John Rocker this summer. No, scratch that. Let me be more specific. I booed, jeered, taunted, harangued and
