

Kristoffer A. Garin

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Lost in the Blur of the Changing Square

This year’s graduating seniors will be the last class to have known The Tasty, a diner that served up greasy

Videopros Prepares To Close Its Doors

Surprised customers returned rented videos to Videopros in the Garage on Mt. Auburn St. yesterday only to discover that it

Panel Confronts Issues of Free Speech and Responsible Journalism

Last night's panel discussion on "Free Speech & Responsible Journalism in the Academic Community" focused on the David Horowitz and

Leadership Award Recipients Honored

The Women's Leadership Project (WLP) honored recipients of its fourth annual Harvard College Women's Leadership Award and Women's Professional Achievement

Goldman Sachs Awards $1M for Hispanic Scholarships

The Goldman Sachs Foundation (GSF) announced its award of a $1 million grant to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) at

Federal Drug Question Made Mandatory

In a move that could affect thousands of college applicants, the U.S. Department of Education moved last week to close

Crowd Presses Rwandan President on Congo

Rwandan President Paul Kagame, adressing a full house at the Institue of Politics yesterday evening, faced repeated questions from the

Design Students Protest Election Confusion

Uproar over the presidential election spilled into Cambridge Common yesterday, in a sea of 19,000 "voided ballots," planted by a

Harvard's Glass Flowers To Get New Gleam

After more than a century on display, Harvard's world-famous glass flower collection will get a delicate but much-needed facelift. In

Protestors Demand U.S. Withdraw Israeli Aid

While George W. Bush and Al Gore '69 traded barbs about Social Security and prescription drugs inside the UMass debate

Oxford Joins Distance Learning Alliance

Oxford University will join the distance learning alliance started last year by Stanford, Princeton and Yale. Harvard opted out of
