

Debra P. Hunter

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Making Me Over

Last week I got dumped. It wasn’t the nicely packaged kind of dumping, all tied up with ribbons of “I

Fifteen Minutes: Dance, Little Lady: Harvard's ballerinas express themselves

It's a playing field where the toughest competitors sweat exquisite grace, a helmet of poise protects fragile egos and the

Slavic Department Tenures Visiting Russian Poetry Scholar

Visiting Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Stephanie Sandler will join the Faculty as a professor of Russian Studies,

Hemenway Reopens After Renovations

Harvard Law School (HLS) students, staff and administrators celebrated the reopening of Hemenway Gym yesterday afternoon after $150,000 of renovations.

Kunes Receives Tenure in Biology

Loeb Professor of the Natural Sciences Samuel L. Kunes, an expert in the field of vision and the brain, accepted

IN THE MEANTIME Patent No. 02138

A reclusive student gropes for a buzzing alarm clock. He pushes the snooze button--which releases a weight, which pulls a

Rooms Built For Love, and Then Some

T he decor of the typical Harvard room contains little beyond the basics: twin extra long bed, desk, dresser, bookshelves,

Does He Like You?

S ometimes interpreting signs can be difficult. To avoid wallowing in ignorance and stumbling into another embarassing situation, Teen FM


Hepps Outrageous

I was literally appalled when I read the letter by Tammy A. Hepps '00 (May 2) entitled "Jews Should Only
