

Shauna L. Shames

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Women's Center Provides Resources, Not Will

Women’s Center Provides Resources, Not Will To the editors: In her op-ed of Nov. 8 (“Knitting a Revolution”), Juliet S.

Women Do Need A Center

For the bulk of its history, Harvard has been run by and for men, with women relegated to the margins.

Women’s Center Will Improve Female Students’ Experience

To the editors: Your Feb. 16 editorial “True Equality” rests on several faulty assumptions, including that women are a “special


We Need Women, Too

To the editors: Cornel West’s decision is indeed sad for Harvard, but over the past few years I have watched

The Principles of Economics

As the deadline of the final day to add or drop courses rapidly approaches, I know many of you who

Looking to Agree On Abortion

While we both approached our dinner meeting with mixed feelings and some trepidation, we quickly found some overlapping ideas. However,
