

Thomas J. Castillo

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HBS Recruits Younger Applicants to Lend New Perspective

The average Harvard Business School (HBS) student is 27 years old with about four years of work experience--similar to the

From Cap and Gown to Wedding Gown

Love, Tommy's Style Matthew J. Peed '00 knew he'd found a keeper in Sarah G. Ellis '99 when, after getting

Few Seniors Choose Alternative Gift

While Senior Gift officials say they are on track to a record-breaking total this year, the Alternative Senior Gift (ASG)

'Greed' Contestant Vows to Save Pudding

Kevin E. Meyers '02 thinks he just might be greedy enough to save the Hasty Pudding building. Meyers, a Crimson

HBS Ends Spring Semester Admission

After six years of admitting students in both January and September, Harvard Business School (HBS) announced last week that beginning

BJs Shine in Unorthodox Show

What did it take to bring together Tatyana Ali '02, final club gladiators, urinating improv comedians and even a dancing

Seniors Win Stride Rite Fellowships

Three undergraduates will spend the next year pursuing public service projects with $25,000 fellowships from the Stride Rite Charitable Foundation

Chief Sun Scientist Worries About Technology's Effects

Sun Microsystems Chief Scientist Bill Joy, who designed Berkeley UNIX and the Java programming language, now says he is taking

Converted Musician Speaks About Islam

A hodgepodge of students, Muslim admirers, critics and classic rock fans packed Science Center C yesterday to hear Yusuf Islam,

Professor Publishes Research Hypothesizing Date When Man First Cooked Hot Meal

Over 1.9 million years ago, human beings were still having dinner dates, according to a recently published article by Professor

Strike Causes Bread Product Dearth

Where have all the Twinkies gone? A strike by a group of Teamsters at the Interstate Breads Corp. (IBC) plant

Armed Robbery Tied to Student Attacks, Police Say

A Cambridge resident was mugged at gunpoint Saturday night near Central Square in an attack that the Harvard University Police

Chemical Warfare Fears Misplaced, Meselson Says

Should Americans be afraid of an attack with biological weapons? The country is in no grave danger of germ warfare
