Crimson staff writer
Aurora J. B. Sousanis
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The Fight to Keep Cambridge Local News Alive
The fragility of Cambridge’s media ecosystem raises questions of what a sustainable model for local journalism looks like — and what the city loses when local news disappears.
Chance Encounters: Self-Checkout, Bill Gates, and the Loss of Shared Humanity
In and of itself, the loss of cashiers seems insignificant. Self-driving cars and pre-order systems at first feel innocuous, or even beneficial. But they add to a larger trend of turning towards our screens and away from one another.
The Candlemakers’ Tale
At first glance, Sniffs of Adventure looks like any other red brick Newbury Street store. But up close, warm yellow lights flickering through the storefront windows and whiffs of fragrance seeping out tell it apart as a one-of-a-kind candle shop.
What I Didn’t Learn From Quitting Coffee For a Week
I sincerely believed this week would lead me to some incredible Reason Why You Need to Quit Coffee Now — you know, one of those things that makes a good headline. At the very least, I figured it would give me something to brag about while the semester took its toll.