
Crimson opinion writer

Naftali T. Horowitz

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Harvard Students Need to Stop Taking the Same Class Twice

College should be a time for academic exploration and challenge, not just finding the easiest classes to graduate. But in order for that to happen, Harvard must allow advanced students to take classes that match their abilities.

Science Center Lecture Halls

Professors Must be Held to a Higher Standard

Harvard, it’s time to apply the same standard to your professors that you apply to your students.

Johnston Gate

Academic Exploration Is Harder for Low-Income Students. Harvard Must Fix That.

Low-income students pushed harder than anyone to get here. Harvard needs to make it easier for them to succeed — not just by solely acknowledging their backgrounds but by supporting them too.

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine March to Garber's House

Dissent: The Editorial Board is Scared to Say The Obvious

As we mourn, we continue to believe that maintaining the sanctity of all life — including all Jews and Palestinians — is not just a possibility but a moral duty. We only wish that our peers would too.
