
Contributing opinion writer

Eric Yang

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Plain Truth

The Right to Demand a Haircut

Within these “liberate” protests I see what is best about American democracy — the right for the individual to be completely wrong about what is good for themselves and for the community.

Plain Truth

On Living Through History

Let’s save our over-examination and historicization for later. To live through history, we must remind ourselves and our neighbors to have a life apart from it.

Plain Truth

In the Time of the “China Virus,” Another Contagion: Intolerance

We should remember that tolerance is not just about our prosperity, but also about preventing us from destroying each other. Tolerance itself won't stop the virus, but it is the bare minimum of any successful solution.

Plain Truth

Teach for America, Yourself, and Goldman Sachs

If service is about impacting others, we should be willing, and even obligated, to use every incentive we have to improve the quality of service that is provided.

Plain Truth

Complicating the Virtues of Political Correctness

A politically correct society can still strive towards retributive justice, but this justice ought to be dependent on and tempered by a conception of individual dignity.


The Conservative Case for Divestment Protest

The conservatism that I advocate for — the conservatism that supports divestment protest, but not divestment — is rooted in a deep skepticism of the most intractable institutions as well as the best of intentions.
