
Crimson staff writer

Moriah Lee

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Flyby Blog

Flyby Celebrates the Last Four Weeks of School

What should you do now that we're on the final countdown?

Eliot House Courtyard View


<p>“E-L-I-O-T, you just won the lottery” basically sums up the enthusiasm and house pride that freshman can expect if they are assigned to Eliot House. Equipped with a number of unique resources and a friendly and welcoming community Eliot House continues to be “more Harvard than Harvard”—but in only the best ways possible.</p>

Flyby Blog

Flyby's Reactions to "React"

​As if clicking ‘Like’ on Facebook weren’t expressive enough, now there are six different ways you’re allowed to feel about someone’s new profile picture or Go Fund Me post. Now ALL SIX human emotions are displayed when you hover over the ‘Like’ button. Instead of just liking you-know-who’s 100th post of the day, you can show them that Facebook activism really does make a difference by letting them know that you too are “sad” or “angry” at the state of the world. Go crazy.

Pictured: your future significant other feeding you on your first date.
Flyby Blog

Last Day to Fill Out Datamatch

Act now or risk being alone forever. That's right, Datamatch 2016, as launched by the Harvard Computer Society with collaboration from Satire V and Professor of Psychology Steven Pinker, will be closing 12:00 a.m. on Valentine's Day. That's tonight for all of you who have trouble keeping track of what day it is. Don't miss this opportunity to find true, algorithm-based love at Harvard and the chance to eat free waffles at Zinneken’s, paid for by HCS. Help Harvard contribute to income inequality and continue to be the elite breeding ground that it is.

Valentine's Day Make Believe
Flyby Blog

Valentine’s Day Plans for Singles

Lonely? Not anymore.

Flyby Blog


You can make beautiful food like this too– we believe in you.

Kirkland Lights
Flyby Blog

Holiday Events At and Around Harvard

What events can you attend this finals period on Harvard's campus when the stress is becoming too much?

FB Celebrities where are they now
Flyby Blog

Facebook Group Celebrities: Where Are They Now?

Flyby caught up with the formerly Facebook famous Wyatt Robertson ‘18, Gabby D. Aguirre ‘17, and Stephen A. Turban ‘17 to find out what they've been up to since their Facebook famous days and how fame has been treating them.

Flyby Blog

Dining Delights: For Desperate Finals Times

What can you do when there's literally nothing to eat in the dining hall?

Students at Blackout Rally
Flyby Blog

Harvard Today: November 19, 2015

​Hey, Harvard. There are just eight more days of classes, so get psyched for finals.

Flyby Blog

PSA: Chipotle Booritos

Recover the money you spent on your costume by taking advantage of Chipotle’s “Boorito” promotion.

Fright Night
Flyby Blog

What To Do on Campus This Halloween

Don't be lonely and sad on Halloween night!
