

Meaghan E Lyons

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Budget Plinko, Part II: Shuttle Shafting

It appears that Dean Michael Smith and our buddies at FAS have finally let the chips fall . The budget

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Swine Flu Comin' At-Choo

You should have listened to your parents when they told you not to go to Cancun for spring break. No,

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Patriots' Day= NO CLASSES! Wait, just kidding.

Hey Harvard, what did you do today? Catch your friend crossing the finish line of the Boston Marathon? Go to

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Tory Row Opens -- Updated!

This weekend marked the opening of Tory Row at 3 Brattle Street, the former location of the Greenhouse Café (no,

Porn and Pizza

Porn and pizza? Together? Chill out, bros. This is not an early Christmas present. Right now (started at 6pm) in

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Advising Fortnight Kicks Off in Annenberg

The insanity that is Annenberg at dinnertime had a new twist this evening. As opposed to being greeted by long

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$1 Scoops at J.P. Licks

Ahhhh…. Opening Day at Fenway Park. Warm sunshine, the smell of freshly cut grass, that first delicious bite of a

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HUTV Launches New (Sexy) Web Site

HUTV has been making some changes this year. As if switching their name from Harvard Radcliffe Television to Harvard Undergraduate

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Babson College Hit By Norovirus

There are some crucial college lessons that you just can't learn inside a classroom: how to make friends, how to


The relationship between Harvard University Dining Services and Harvard students is rarely free of problems. Think dining hours, the nutritional

Less Prominent Presidential Pairs

One ticket promises to shake up the status quo and bring real change. The other features an older gentleman from

Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum

Most Harvard students up early on the morning of The Game were probably pounding shots of tequila in the warm

Bring It On: The Harvard Pep Rally

Last year’s pep rally for The Game did not go exactly according to plan. Despite Harvard’s best (and rare!) attempt

Meriweather H. Burruss ’11

Meriweather H. Burruss ’11 is on a tight schedule. Not only does she have a french test, ski team practice,


Athletes, we get it. Unlike the vast majority of this campus, for whom gym class was a nightmare, you can
