

Ada Pema

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Art in the City: I Am (Wo)man

Amidst daily city traffic, a woman stands, emotionless, holding a hand-made sign with the words “I AM A MAN” written

Poet Puzzles in ‘Namely, Muscles’

The solitary aquamarine chair in the middle of the bare, black Harvard Dance Studio did not know what was coming

Katha Pollitt Gets Personal

Though she is a self-proclaimed feminist, Katha Pollitt’s latest work defies easy stereotype. The biographical essays in “Learning to Drive”

Gods In Color

It’s difficult not to be taken aback by the infusion of hues in “Gods in Color,” one of the latest

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New Events On Tap at Pub

In its second semester of operation, Harvard’s undergraduate pub is looking to expand its reach with extended operating hours and

ARTSMONDAY: 'Andronicus' Sets a Somber Tone in Garage

The hole in the earth where the Actors’ Shakespeare Project performs the Shakespeare classic “Titus Andronicus”—otherwise known as the basement

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Gross Unveils Plan for Visas

Surrounded by a dozen international students hoping to secure temporary worker visas before they graduate, Dean of the College Benedict

The Lives of Others

At first glance, “The Lives of Others” is just another “1984”-aping, “Big Brother is watching,” dystopian storyline. After all, the
