

Lee ann W. Custer

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Thinking in Wire

PARIS, France – An exhibition of Alexander Calder’s work could only mean dangling bits of wire painted in primary colors,

A Blanket Statement

I sat at my grandmother’s old Singer sewing machine, under my fourth floor window, and looked out over the white

Covering the Yard's Art

Each and every day, crowds of tourists—cameras in hand—swarm a seated, stoic John Harvard. While the statue—the third most photographed


November is to baseball fans as the end of party grants is to Currier’s Ten Man: game over. Though Boston

A Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemingway

It started as a trip to Homegoods, and a fruitless search for dorm decor. I was wading through a center

SPOTLIGHT: Patrick H. Quinn ’10 & Juan D. Camero ‘10

Although their jovial personalities might make it seem so, life’s not all a cabaret for busy freshmen Patrick H. Quinn


Caffeine isn’t the only thing keeping Harvard students wired these days. The newly-formed Harvard Interactive Media Group (HIMG) is trying

ARTSMONDAY: 'Post-Romantik' Pleases Houghton

Books became a backdrop Thursday night at Houghton Library, ceding their spotlight to the latest installment in the Library’s Chamber

Double Hung

Like a provocative lecture packed with unanswered questions, “Double Hung I,” the first of a two-part exhibition of student artwork

Pigment Could Undo Pollock

A sophisticated scientific analysis has raised questions about the authenticity of three paintings attributed to Jackson Pollock, Harvard researchers reported

HRDC and Stern Make Sure ‘Bette’

Generations of family struggles, presented with a combination of gravity and comedy, dominate the first Loeb Mainstage theatrical production of

Prof Probes Hendrix Experience

A renowned scholar on the African diaspora attributed the timelessness of Jimi Hendrix’s music to his ability to resonate with
