

Siodhbhra M. Parkin

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‘Louie’ Back Behind Counter

When Cheng-san Chen officially left management of Louie’s Superette in the hands of another, it was very nearly the end

Seniors Tie the Knot—Not!

Two Cabot House seniors were unofficially married in a mock traditional Korean wedding ceremony in Cabot last night, in an

Louie’s Old Owner To Return

After a nearly two-year hiatus, Cheng-san “Louie” Chen plans to return to the Square and take back control over Louie’s

Grad Dips Her Pen Into the Publishing Business

CORRECTION APPENDED The road from a Harvard creative writing class to a debut novel may seem formidable, but not for

Sever Ranks 77 on List of Top 150 Works of Architecture

EDITOR'S NOTE APPENDED Seemingly content to live in the shadow of Memorial Church for most of its life, the inauspicious

Cell Phone Service ‘Brrings’ Users Profits

If you have ever found yourself wishing that you could get paid up to $1 every time your friends call

Prof. Will Lead State Security Efforts

Juliette N. Kayyem ’91, a lecturer in public policy at the Kennedy School of Government (KSG), was appointed Undersecretary of

UHS Says Meds Are Worth the Risk

A recent finding that antidepressant medications increase suicidal tendencies among young adults has caused mental health professionals at Harvard to

POPSCREEN: The Killers

The Killers “A Great Big Sled” Dir. The Killers Question: What do chainsmoking elves, drunken celebrity Christmas parties, and funding

Alarm Over Antidepressants

Antidepressants may cause an increased risk of suicidal tendencies among patients under the age of 24, a Food and Drug

Can They Stay Cool After All These Years?

Are seniors born cool, or do they have coolness thrust upon them? That’s the question we asked former “Most Interesting

For One Grad, Day Still Lives in Infamy

One day after the Pearl Harbor attacks, George I. Fujimoto ’42, a biochemistry concentrator of Japanese descent, was quoted in

Mideast Groups Clash Over Vigils

Harvard Students for Israel (HSI) held a “solidarity gathering” yesterday in response to the weekly vigils organized by the Palestinian

Groups Spar Over Gay Marriage

The issue of gay marriage in American politics had even the politically blue red in the face as some student

Nobel Laureate Visits IOP

The co-recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics and a “founding father” of the Kennedy School of Government, Thomas
