

Jessica M. Luna

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Peacing Out

Above the bed of Kathryn G. Maxson ’10 hang authentic-looking replicas of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Someone Had to Buy These Books

Harvard syllabi often feature the same name under “Course Head” and “Required Reading,” but what goes into the decision to

Film Examines Race and Law

Students gathered last night at Harvard Law School’s Austin Hall for an advance screening of the upcoming PBS documentary “Race

15 Questions

On Dec. 7, 2006, Ryan A. Petersen ’08 and Matthew L. Sundquist ’09 were elected as Undergraduate Council President and

Leroy Terrelonge III

Leroy Terrelonge III ’07, Near Eastern languages and civilizations concentrator and self-described ‘Jamerican,’ has a pretty lofty goal—he’s trying to

Driving Towards Tragedy on HRDC’s ‘Autobahn’

Harvard students may not spend a lot of time in cars around campus, but the upcoming production of Neil LaBute’s

Bacon Tied To Risk of Bladder Cancer

A study by Harvard researchers warns carnivores of the obvious and not-so-obvious pitfalls of their diet. Frequent bacon consumption may


1933: Handsome Dan II, Yale mascot, was kidnapped by members of the Lampoon before the Game, according to The Harvard

International House of Delays

Move over, Veritas waffles. The International House of Pancakes (IHOP) is finally opening in Harvard Square. Or so we were

Fires, Asbestos, and Rapists, Oh My!

As you scramble from the shower after hearing a fire alarm and stand outside your dorm in flip flops (and

The Ethics of Unethical Behaviour

Potential Harvard students might be deterred from fudging their resumes after reading the College application’s clause that “any intentionally inaccurate

Terrorism at Harvard?

Could Memorial Church one day find itself in the shadow of a doomed aircraft? Could someone posing as a freshman

Barenaked Ladies - Finally Here!

Although Canadian rockers Barenaked Ladies may never again reach the national prominence of their 1998 single “One Week,” they can
