Natasha L. Coleman
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Colorful angel ornaments and other traditional Christmas charactes contribute to a festive store display at Papyrus.
Crowds gather along Route 6 West, anxiously awaiting the motorcade in honor of Senator Kennedy as it traveled from the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis to Boston.
People standing along Route 6 pay their respects to Senator Kennedy as his motorcade drives from the Kennedy compound in Hyannis to the JFK Library in Boston.
The beginning of a long motorcade in honor of Senator Kennedy processes along Route 6 in front of crowds that began to gather hours prior.
A bus in Senator Kennedy's motorcade carries numerous members of the extended Kennedy family.
Unnamed photo
Senator Kennedy's hearse is en route to the JFK Library in Boston from the Kennedy compound in Hyannis with son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), in the front seat.