

Sachi A. Ezura

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Aiming for the A-List

I have often said that everything I have learned at Harvard, I have learned from Salada teabags. Salada, if you’re

15 Q With Ben Karlin

Ben Karlin, former executive producer of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report and former editor of The Onion, does

Bringing FemSex Back

Last spring, the same semester that I took FemSex, a not-for-credit seminar that explores a number of issues dealing with

A Fall Birding Guide to Harvard’s Newest Nestlings

The autumn breeze and crunch of falling leaves can mean only one thing: it’s the season for birdwatching...and of course,

A Great Divide?

High school, according to “Mean Girls”’s resident “outsider” Janis Ian, is complicated. It takes an expert to navigate the dangerous

Division in the Arts

For many Harvard students, groups like BlackCAST and the Asian-American Dance Troupe prove a much-needed venue for the intersection of

Clinging to the Classics

When I was 14, I fell in love. This was not the first time, nor would it be the last.

Bob Saget: A Many-Faceted Jewel

Bob Saget’s fanbase can be neatly divided into two parts: those who see him as squeaky-clean Danny Tanner, of television’s

The Perfect Score(s)

The Hasty Pudding Theatricals always put their Woman of the Year (WOY) through a number of daunting and humiliating tasks

party reporter

FRIDAY People are spending way too much time choosing classes and not enough time throwing parties because everything was too


Sick and tired of “Dick in a Box”? Bared your soul on desperate@... uh, “Bored@Lamont?” Don’t want to be that

Tessa C. Petrich

For the last three-and-a-half years, Tessa C. Petrich ’07 has played the role of party planner, event organizer, and gracious

Party Reporter

FRIDAY A birthday party was held in Quincy for Jon Q. Macmillan ’08, not to be confused with Quincy Resident

Party Reporter

Thursday The long-awaited Birds and the Bees club party lived up to the hype with lots of dirty grinding and

Party Reporter

Thursday FM caught one Fly member with his Fly down, peeing into the Lowell Courtyard. Apparently, all the money and
