

Shannon E. Flynn

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15 Gifts Under 15 Bucks!

1) For your calorie-counting girlfriend: a Finale’s 4-inch cake (Who cares that it’s bite-sized? It’s not like she’ll finish it

Literature Nano

Ever wish your English prof would cut down on that dreaded work load? Reid Professor of English and American Literature

A Goldman Sachs Girl

FM got a peek into the life of a summer intern at Goldman Sachs. FM’s subject gave the minute-by-minute rundown

Job Market Looks Promising for ’06

This year’s graduating seniors will face a favorable job market, according to a survey of employers released last Tuesday by

Student: Yahoo! Profits from Fraud

Yahoo!, the most-trafficked site on the internet, is collecting advertising revenue from click fraud and spyware vendors, according to a

Eating Well, Harvard-Style

These days, it’s a piece of (low-calorie) cake to find sugar-free, fat-free, or even carb-free foods. Politic-free foods, on the

The Empty Throne...

Hundreds of interviews, tens of thousands of dollars, and weeks of clandestine meetings are par for the course when searching

A Match Made in Nerd Heaven

True love is supposed to be blind. On blind dates, it tends to be pretty awkward, too. So it was

Pop Star in the Yard

Valedictorians, All-American athletes, the occasional best-selling author...Harvard’s freshman class demographics are downright intimidating. Yet only one special frosh can boast
