

Christina G. Vangelakos

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Neuroscience Researchers Expand Usage of ‘Brainbow’ Technology

Harvard researchers are making use of “Brainbow,” a colorful new technique, to visualize the circuitry of the brain in new

Hot Pepper Chemical Also Helps Numb Pain

Apparently, the spiciest concoctions are the hottest means to pain relief. A team of Harvard researchers has found that the

15 Gifts Under 15 Bucks!

1) For your calorie-counting girlfriend: a Finale’s 4-inch cake (Who cares that it’s bite-sized? It’s not like she’ll finish it

Natural Selection In The Fast Lane

Natural selection can occur in a span of mere months—as some short-legged lizards learned the hard way. Jonathan B. Losos

Study: Fake Tans May Block Cancer

The coming of winter doesn’t mean the end of tanning season—at least, not if you’re a mouse. The Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber

Freshman Seminars Are Worth the Time

As freshmen, you’re guaranteed to feel overwhelmed by information, instructions, and advice throughout your first weeks. Regardless, here’s one more

HMS Initiative Aids Reservation

The Fort Peck Native American Reservation in Montana will receive a $150,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and

Female Ex-Cons Recall Experiences

Formerly incarcerated women shared their experiences transitioning to life after prison at Ticknor Lounge last night. The Phillips Brooks House

Captain's Blog

By the time Charles R. Melvoin ’10 comes to Harvard in the fall, he will have eaten dog in Vietnam,

Advanced Mathematics for Fun and Profit

“Some guys have all the luck,” croons the dejected Rod Stewart. At Harvard, one lucky man makes his own. Life

Unnamed photo

Toscanini's Brews Up an About Face

You know it’s time to hoarde duct tape and canned goods when your local coffee shop starts plastering Harvard Square
