

Alexander N. Li

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When I logged on to my Facebook account early Tuesday morning, I was pretty sure I was hallucinating. My home

Pricing Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In the summer, as throughout the year, the nation’s capital exudes power. The buildings are majestic, the monuments imposing,

Cocoa Could Cut Blood Pressure

A steaming hot mug of cocoa may be just what the doctor ordered. Consuming flavonol, an antioxidant found naturally in

Social Security Reform Unveiled

Yesterday morning, aides to former President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush, and Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., jointly unveiled a

In the Service of the Nation

The Supreme Court’s anticipated ruling on the Solomon Amendment will likely end one era of a troubled relationship between Harvard

Prof Sheds New Light on Stars

Harvard astronomers have developed a new technique to map the structure of nebulae, the cosmic clouds of gas and dust
