

A. HAVEN Thompson

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Yi-An Huang & Kristin Lee

For Yi-An Huang ’05 and Kristin T. Lee ’07, their wedding day will be the logical next step in a

Unnamed photo

Overnight Couture

GETTING READY Paris it was not, but at least the smell of stale beer had successfully been aired out of

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1) “the bee” Harvard Bookstore pulls yet another fun trick out of its sleeve by cohosting a spelling bee (creatively

At the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, One Professor’s Flouride Scandal Stinks

It was the first time that Dr. Chester Douglass, the Department Chair of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Dental

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1. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 6:15 P.M. Did Ayn Rand, like, totally change your life too? Meet other anti-altruistic spirits at

When the Red Phone Rings: Her 15 Minutes of Fame

FM sat down for a tête-à-tête with Anne­-Marie Zapf-Belanger ’09, the Toronto native who skyrocketed to fame last spring when

Primal Scream: An Abbreviated History

It’s a night when the whole student body comes together to gawk at just that. It’s a moment of Harvard

Reading period brings crowds of students to Lamont, prompting some to

Constructing the Period

Much like waffles on Sundays and gratuitously awkward ice cream bashes, reading period is revered as a venerable part of

Godless Church

Memorial Church’s crisp white spire provides a landmark for students and tourists alike, reminding us every day of God whether

The Dance of a Lifetime

“I really, really love to dance,” said Stephen M. Fee ’07, setting down his can of Diet Coke with a

From Harvard to Home and Back Again

One year ago, Brian S. Gillis ’07-’08 was struggling. “I would just walk around Boston for hours,” he says. “I

Almanac Predicts DOOM (Damn lOng cOld Months)

Blustery blizzards on Saturday, sweltering sunshine on Tuesday—seems like Cambridge’s weather is as loony as its panhandlers. To get to
