

John R. Macartney

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Timeline: The Last Four Years

9/11/04: The Class of 2008 moves in as freshmen. It is a simpler time: Natasha Bedingfield and Usher are the

Accept the Candy

When I was a child, nobody warned me not to speak to strangers. Nobody had to. Strangers were just that:

Plan B: Prescription Free at UHS

Harvard University Health Services (UHS) began offering Plan B, an emergency contraceptive, without a prescription last month—just over four months

Panel: For UHS, What’s in a Name?

Mental health providers at Harvard face a dilemma and walk a fine line between being welcoming and appearing to take

Unnamed photo

College Pulls Off Tame Tailgate

CORRECTION APPENDED Alcohol-related arrests and hospital admits from Saturday’s Harvard-Yale tailgate dropped from when Harvard last hosted The Game in

Boggling Survey Not a Prank

A College initiative to survey students’ experiences of Harvard’s mental health services has left many undergraduates scratching their heads. Students

UHS May Rename Mental Health—But Groups Won't Play Name Game

What’s in a name? According to some students, the rechristening of a department in University Health Services could stand between

UHS to Charge No-Shows $10

Students who miss appointments at University Health Services will find themselves out of pocket starting Oct. 16, when the University

Students Unfurl Petition To Stall MAC Makeover

The Malkin Athletic Center (MAC) is shaping up to be the site of a possible face-off of students against administrators

UHS Offers HPV Vaccine

Harvard University Health Services (UHS) will offer female students vaccinations to protect against cervical cancer and genital warts. The vaccines

Enter the Lobby

When they published their working paper “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” in March, the authors anticipated criticism. But

Canada Trumps U.S. in Healthcare, Study Says

Americans are less healthy than Canadians and have poorer and less accessible healthcare despite spending about twice as much on

As They Came Out, Students Faced Homophobia

“I wouldn’t take milk from a gay person.” With these words, which might seem unthinkable to today’s Harvard student, one

Students End Drug Adviser Training

Starting today, 13 undergraduates will have laminated signs on their doors that proudly read: “A DAPA lives here,” As of

Student Spars With Shuttle Driver

A shuttle bus driver and an undergraduate were involved in a brawl on the pavement in front of Currier House
