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No to Asian American Studies

Harvard’s Asian American Association (AAA) has had a long and unsuccessful track record with advocating for the creation of an

Orientalism and ‘The Mikado’

This weekend, the Gilbert and Sullivan Players’ “The Mikado” went up at Agassiz Theater. “Mikado,” which tells a story of

The Educated Imperialist

In recent years the popularity of international experience has gone up—way up. No doubt, being cosmopolitan has always been fashionable.

Couture Culture

This weekend, tall, leggy models strutted down a glamorized version of what is usually Quad Yard. A large tent complete

The Banana Diaries

When I was young I was a self-professed “banana”—that is, yellow on the outside and unrepentantly white on the inside.

Color and Variation

Asian Americans constitute roughly 4 percent of the US population and 20 percent of the class of 2011 . One

Crooked Politics

The problem of the corrupt old Chinese businessman is a recurrent image that has once again resurfaced in the U.S.

Abortion: A Product of Its Times

It seems that those who are most passionate about abortion have lost sight of the forces that drive women to

7 Minutes

We’ve all been there. Once again you’ve hit the snooze button one time too many; it’s 9:58, you live along

A Worthy Exception

DISSENTING OPINION Having taken a step in the right direction regarding student travel restrictions, it is a shame that Harvard

Off Again, On Again

Hurricane Katrina may be wreaking havoc on more than just national politics. It has also placed a pause on the

Catching the Jitter Fly

On a recent fine August day, I had a little bit of a scare. My Air China flight from Ningbo

Beyond 2008

It’s been three years since I last visited Beijing, and the changes are dramatic—streets have been widened, medians vegetated; even

A Tail of Two Cities

Two weeks ago Yale finally chose a successor to a throne empty since January. A rigorous selection process culminated in

Steering on Track

I am eight weeks into college and four weeks behind in “Philosophy of Law”—and it’s not my fault. No, it’s
