

Christopher W. Snyder

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Time to Get Serious

According to my watch, I have exactly 22 days, four hours, 14 minutes and 23 seconds before 2 p.m. on

Life, Liberty and Security

It certainly seems like an odd way to make a point. In what he describes as “an act of civil

The Tyranny of the Poll

A recent Time/CNN poll asked 1,005 adult members of the general public how well they thought “things are going in

The Bicycle Thief

The Netherlands (population 16 million) has more bicycles than people. Every year, over one tenth of these bikes are stolen.

Flying Abstraction Airlines

Maps are practically obsolete. For explorers, maps came in handy for charting a course through unknown lands and letting the

Going Solo

Living in a city, you learn to filter out background noise. There’s a constant din of cars passing, doors closing,
