

Jerome L. Martin

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CLOSERLOOK: Timpani for Your Thoughts

The timpani looks as if it were forged for the artistic elevation of soups. Its expansive, gleaming copper bowl tilted

Hillel Revisits Merchant of Venice, Reveals a New Shylock

Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice is a sinister sort of comedy. Antonio, a wealthy merchant whose monies are invested in

Mud: The Best Plays are Hard to Find

MUD Directed by Leah Altman '99 Produced by Adam Hickey '99 At the Adams House Pool Theater April 29-May 1

Floundering Pre-Meds Swim, Clumsily

SWIMMING WITH JONAH Audrey Schulman Avon Books 261pp $22.00 Audrey Schulman's second novel, Swimming with Jonah is about Jane Guy,

Soundtrack for a Titian

OLAF CHRIS HENRIKSEN, LUTE Concert Room, The Boston Conservatory February 13 Last Saturday night, having been misdirected by several liquor

Rhino Hysteria in an Absurdist World

Rhinoceros, playing at the Loeb Experimental Theater, has a deceptively simple scenario: a provincial town is struck with a sort

Between Getting Even And Getting Human

Harvard Law professor Martha Minow opens her book Between Vengeance and Forgiveness by listing the reasons why it had to
