

Harry Ritter

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Sensitivity Towards the Sensitive

Harvard has seen its fair share of debate and controversy lately, and frankly it’s been fun to watch. But amidst

Former Brazilian Leader Says Democracy Is Ongoing Process

Former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso warned against a one-size-fits-all approach to democracy in a speech at the JFK Jr.

The Failure of the SATs

This year over 1.4 million high school students will spend a grueling Saturday morning taking the infamous SAT I exam

Fines For Bikers Roll Through Cambridge

Nighttime bikers, beware—you might be slapped with a $20 ticket. Over the past month, the Cambridge Police Department (CPD) has

Analyst Unveils ‘Pinochet File’

A senior analyst at the National Security Archives showed newly-declassified documents that reveal the extent of U.S. involvement in the
