

Shayak Sarkar

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BSA Elects Adjah As President, Again

After nearly a month of debate involving a ballot counting controversy, accusatory e-mails and multiple elections, Lawrence E. Adjah Jr.

BSA To Hold New Elections

Less than two weeks after the Harvard Black Students Association (BSA) election results sparked controversy, the group’s election commission has

BSA Elections Under Dispute

The election commission of the Black Students Association (BSA) may have improperly handled the ballot count of this year’s presidential

BSA Picks New Leader

After tying his opponent in the Black Students Association (BSA) presidential election last Friday, Lawrence E. Adjah Jr. ’06 won

Students Open Interfaith Dialogue

Last Sunday, 14 Harvard students gathered in Winthrop House’s Feer Room for the first meeting of a new religious discussion

For First Time, Hillel Elects Female President

At Harvard Hillel last Thursday, 40 students stood witness to a break from the past 60 years of the Jewish

Senior Class Committee Taps Secretary, Treasurer

Filling the last two of its 10 lifetime positions, the Senior Class Committee announced its appointment of Abhishek Gupta ’04


Union Workers Protest Harvard’s Labor Policy

A group of Harvard workers protested outsourcing and University labor policies yesterday, chanting “Listen, we are in the fight” in

From Bartley’s to Britain

In between bites of his “Tony Blair” burger, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) senior correspondent Matt Frei discussed British-American relations with

Students Trash Harvard’s Waste

Sifting through used diapers, Christmas lights and shredded documents in front of the Science Center yesterday, Resource Efficiency Program (REP)

Study: Diverse Campuses Have Lower Drinking Rates

Binge drinking is less common on more diverse college campuses, according to a recent study by researchers at the Harvard

California Students Feel Heat of Wildfires

At 2:30 on Monday morning, Sarah M. Poage ’05 awoke to an emergency phone call from her stepfather. “I may

Chapel May Remain in Cambridge Permanently

After decades of fighting to hang on to a tiny plot of land nestled between Annenberg and William James Halls,

University To Launch Webmail for Alums

For those recent graduates pining for their old Harvard e-mail accounts, the University is piloting lifetime webmail service to ease
