

Alex Slack

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Making the News

A short “boop” announced that I had new e-mail. My fingers moved in a blur across the keyboard with a

Free Falling

Not even Wile E. Coyote can run on thin air. While pursuing his winged prey, Wile E. would always end

Two Steps Forward...

In 1999, former Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III aroused student ire by preserving the Yard-based offices of the

Cliffs Notes: Senior Gift

Complicated social benefit calculations, a desire to improve financial aid, or just plain old gratitude to this institution—the beauty of

Supporting Harvard’s Sagging Midsection

Harvard is moving into uncharted territory with its most recent expansion of the Harvard Financial Aid Initiative (HFAI). But Harvard’s

The Storm in Canaday Basement

Aaron D. Chadbourne ’06 has it right. A few weeks ago, the former Student Affairs Committee chair of the Undergraduate

Co-Opt and Discredit

Pundits the world over reacted to University President Lawrence H. Summers’ resignation two weeks ago in typical fashion. They stereotyped,

The Economist

From my window in Leverett yesterday afternoon, I could see the sun setting behind Baker Library. Dara F. Goodman ’07,

Nectar of the Gods

Stone Brewery’s Arrogant Bastard Ale is the peanut butter of beer. The offensive hops flavor relentlessly clings to the palate,


Talk to anyone in the world of business schools today, and you’ll find the hottest topic revolves around A’s and

Lamont Student Center?

In one year (or so), the space reserved for government documents in Lamont will be a café. The addition of

DISSENTING OPINION: Stop Matching Donations

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Harvard University’s responses to recent natural disasters have been models for other institutions to

The Easy Way to Fix Fly-By

You learn something new at Harvard everyday. Yesterday, I was informed by a uniformed staffer at the Malkin Athletic Center

Why the West?

Though only a meager few introductory courses (including History 10a: Western Societies, Politics, and Cultures from Antiquity to 1650) admit

Summer Postcards 2005

Jacks of All Trades

Another summer, another summer job. It’s hard to untangle my emotions. I put so much effort into the job that
