

Alex B. Turnbull

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If You Can't Play Nice...

Looking out from Harvard Square, it is easy to lament the sclerotic pace of trade liberalization. The European Union and

No Sex, Please...We’re Republicans

Among the numerous bits and pieces of miscellaneous spending in the current budget package was $133 million for abstinence programs

The Evils of Prohibition

With the first flurries of November come The Game, and with the game comes Harvard’s new and ingenious ways to

Vote With Your Feet

Tomorrow’s election is bound to disappoint some people, and, according to many pundits, election forecasters and the presidential futures contracts

To Punch or Not To Punch

It is about this time of year that sophomore and junior guys start to receive mysterious visitations from final club

Recognize ROTC, Recognize War

Los Angeles International Airport is not my favorite place. I’ve lost more luggage there than I care to mention, it

Stalling Progress

The recent proposal by the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered and Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA) to remove the gender designation from 24

Cell Phone Numbers Become Portable Starting Today

As of today, Harvard students disenchanted with their cell phone carrier will be able to walk and take their numbers

Valuing the Community

Walking by Cob Carlson’s house-cum-billboard you notice two things. One, Carlson has no time or space for further Harvard development.

HBS Student Challenges Guest Speaker

What began as a private e-mail exchange between a Harvard Business School (HBS) student and an investment tycoon inadvertently turned

Running on Empty in 2020

The rhetoric of the anti-war movement has been replete with epic references to blood and oil, clashes of civilization. Debates


Discordant Diplomacy

America’s foreign policymakers would never fail to take into account the concerns of other nations—yet this is the perception that
