

Jonathan G. Cedarbaum

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...And the Inside

Yet it was but an empty show of freedom; these assemblies had no real power. Indeed, we have here a

The View From the Outside... ...And the Inside

Yet it was but an empty show of freedom: these assemblies had no real power. Indeed, we have here a

Legislature OK's Divestment Bill

The State Legislature Friday approved a but requiring the divestment of all state pension funds from firms doing business in

The Man Behind the Legend

T O MOST COLLEGE STUDENTS, Martin Luther King remains little more than a legend. Killed while we were still too

A Poet Against Apartheid

T he prisoner is out breaking rocks with 1000 others in the brutal sun of South Africa's infamous Robben Island.

West Bank Report

R AFIK HALABI is caught in the middle. He is a loyal Israeli, but not a Jew; an Arab, but

Oct. 29 -- Nov. 4

thursday Alex --Loeb Ex., 7:30 p.m. All My Sons --Lyric Stage, 54 Charles St., Boston, 8 p.m. Table Settings --Next

Common Kicks: Cambridge Youth Soccer

Saturday mornings during the fall, nearly 100 soccer players take over the Cambridge Common. Although most of these weekend athletes
