

Daniel S. Benjamin

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Groping Toward Humanity

N ews of Deep Blue's victory over reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov has been splattered across newspapers everywhere, including

Ancient Flatulence

N ORMAN MAILER '43 had to write this brick of a book. After all that grand talk and those grandstanding

Gandhi's Glory

R ICHARD ATTENBOROUGH'S GANDHI is probably as morally simple a work as one is likely to see in a movie

The First Casualty

I T WAS A BAD SUMMER for journalism After being virtually shut out of the war in the Falklands because

The Alfred Stakes

It was the autumn of our ennui. It was the word of times. It was the worst of times. October

Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

T HE NOTION OF DESIGNER UNDERWEAR strikes many people as more than a trifle silly. These people contend that the

A Keen Eye, A Pure Voice

N OT TOO MANY PEOPLE, know what juneberries look like for that matter, the number of people who can tell

Paradise Questioned

I T'S FUNNY the way things get jumbled up. Funny when people who one thought were inconsequential prove otherwise, funny

Bellow and the Burden of His Past

O NE MIGHT HAVE expected it of Saul Bellow Perhaps it was the Nobel Prize. Or maybe it was the

On Golden Caramel

O N GOLDEN POND rewinds me of Sugar Daddies. Actually, it makes me think of all sorts of gooey candy

The Culture of No Culture

I T IS ONE of the curious facts of American culture that some forms of "popular" entertainment--most notably television--have at

Laughing Last but not Loudest

W RITERS, D.H. Lawrence once pointed out, should be scrupulously ignored when they stop making their art and start talking

A Triumphant 'Napoleon'

L IKE A REVELATION that appears of its own will out of nothing, Abel Gance's 1927 film Napoleon flickers into

The Father of Us All

I T IS MORE than fitting that the religion the twentieth century chose to bequeath to history was psychoanalysis. More

The Runners Stumble

I N THE LAST FIVE YEARS, THE cinematic treatment of war has been anything but regular. In Coming Home war
