

John P. Posch

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Sen. Feingold Fights for Finance Reform

Soft money contributions are "making a mockery of the principle of one man, one vote," Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.), told

Publish Popular Or Perish

The halcyon days of academic publishing, if they ever existed, are now days of serious-minded business. More than ever, the

Macintosh Computers Wage Comeback with New Models

History has been marked by great rivalries: Athens and Sparta, Guelf and Ghibelline, Lancaster and York, Harvard and Yale--and PC

Students Protest Transgender Deaths

Members and supporters of the Harvard queer community gathered last night to draw chalk body outlines on footpaths in the

Thief Absconds With Thayer Message Board Pens

Since late Monday night, the building once home to e. e. cummings '15 has had to cope without the writing

Former Prime Minister Vows Russia Will Prosper

Former Russian prime minister Sergei V. Kiriyenko spoke yesterday afternoon about his country's economic woes and provided insight into Russian

Students Join in Santeria Festival

The sounds of praise and ecstatic celebration filled Lowell House's Junior Common Room yesterday as about 70 people joined in

Leverett Extends Dining Hall Hours

It's late night in Leverett, and there's soda a-plenty. In a move welcomed by students and masters alike, Leverett House

Harvard Routs Yale In Chess Tourney

While Harvard and Yale had it out on the gridiron Saturday afternoon, the Crimson was tackling the Elis "over the

Junior's Work Aids Pinochet Legal Case

While British police detained former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet last Friday, a Harvard student has been working to get him

B.C. Minority Leaders Receive Racist E-Mail

Boston College's (B.C.) campus was up in arms last week in the wake of racist e-mail messages sent to 13

Undergrads Launch On-Line Magazine

Soon this fall, a Harvard publication will break away from print, paper, and the press to join the growing media
