Sarah L. Mcvity
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Critics Pan Alfred Play
"The Curse of an Aching Heart," a play by William Alfred, Keenan Jr. Professor of English, opened Saturday night at
A Revitalized 'Death'
A RTHUR MILLER'S DEATH OF A SALESMAN evokes the same sort of feelings as the stinking down-and-out crazies in a
Get Punched
I F QUENTIN CRISP and Donald Carroll had lived in the 14th century, they might have practiced alchemy. As 20th
Valley of the Shadow
T HERE'S lots of jumping around in Godspell --lots of energy and exuberance. As the show builds up momentum, the
A Portrait of the Art Student
In Munich, artists go to the Cafe Grossenvahn. So do the musicians, poets, actors, homosexuals, and foreigners. The regulars all
A Malapropism
A LONG TIME AGO , when Moliere first tried to produce Tartuffe , censors threatened to squeeze all the genius
Fluffy But Filling
S TEPHEN SONDHEIM is the El Cid of the musical theater. He oversteps bounds, and the audience excuses him because
Unworldly Knowledge
I N THE OPENING SCENE of Doctor Faustus, John Faustus boldly adopts a course that will allow him to live
Mamet's Minimums
M INIMALISM is the reduction to the essential. In theatre, the minimalist sifts through the rubbish heap of human existence,
High Liebling
A S A RECENT food critic himself for The New York Times, it is exactly fitting that Ray Sokolov '63
Students of Today
T WO YEARS AGO Enrique Lopez gathered together the most galling anecdotes about Harvard students and their legendary conceit he
Out of Kandinsky's Shadow
P ERSUADING FRIENDS to visit an exhibition of an artist as little-known as Gabriele Munter may be difficult, but it
What Santini?
A MERICA CAN do anything. Americans are more capable than any other people. America's army is the biggest and most
Iranians Meet an Unkind Host
Jaleh Poorooshasb '80 is an Iranian student who holds a visa for permanent residency in the United States. The State
Twenty-Fifth Reunion Class Returns With Smiles, Checks
Four hundred and ninety-three Harvard alumni arrived in front of the Union today to "look each other over and realize