M2 Shuttle Fire Forces Evacuation
The back of a shuttle carrying passengers from Harvard Medical School to Harvard Square caught fire on Monday due to a malfunction that caused the fuel tank to rupture.
Shuttle Service Announcement
You may have noticed that on Saturday, May 7, there were shuttles running even in the early morning. The reason behind this? Finals. The Harvard University shuttle service has extended its hours for the final day of exams as well, which falls on May 14, a Saturday.
Coyote Sightings on Campus
Long walks, sometimes unreliable shuttles, and now coyotes? The list of grievances of life in the Quad got a little bit longer after coyotes were spotted on the frequently trodden path between the Radcliffe Quadrangle and the Yard.
An Exhaustive List of Places to Snooze
Students whose beds are far from the Yard—Quadlings and residents of far-flung River Houses—sometimes bemoan their lack of opportunities to nap between classes. If you face this problem, worry no more. We here at Flyby have compiled a list of some of the best places on campus to catch some Zs.
Evening Van Service Extends Hours
The Evening Van Service that transports faculty, staff, and students safely around campus in the late evening has now, for the remainder of the academic year, extended its running time to the early morning as well.
LMA Shuttle Hits Scaffolding
At around 7 p.m., a LMA shuttle hit some of the scaffolding at the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Arrow ...
BRIEF: New Cambridge-NYC Bus Line Opens
Brooklyn-based bus service World Wide Tours will launch on Oct. 27 a new bus line called World Wide Bus, which will travel between Cambridge and New York City.
Shuttle Stop Moves a Few Yards
The Boylston Gate shuttle stop, where Quadlings catch their ride home after a late night partying, was moved Wednesday. The difference for Harvard students sprinting to make the shuttle? About 80 feet.