shopping week
Students Petition to ‘Bring Back Shopping Week,’ Fearing Move to Early Registration System
More than 1,300 people signed a petition this week urging Harvard to maintain “shopping week,” the period at the start of the semester in which students can attend various classes before finalizing their schedules.
Shopping Week Flyer
A flyer posted on a door in Quincy House demands the preservation of Shopping Week.
Undergraduates Give Virtual Shopping Week Mixed Reviews
Harvard undergraduates traded in-person lectures for online course previews this week, voicing mixed feelings about Harvard’s new take on shopping period, a longstanding scheduling quirk that allows students to sample classes before officially enrolling.
Virtual Shopping Week Bingo
Zoom crashed on you? No clue when classes officially start? Consider yourself two spaces closer to "bingo."
Silver Linings for Your Virtual Shopping Week
Shopping week is virtual? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered with some ways to recognize the hidden Zoom ~blessings~ that surround us all.
Questions to Ask Your Professors During Zoom Shopping Week
Especially with many professors holding vague info sessions and office hours, it’s time to brush up on those ~social skills~ so you can really get all the tea you’ll need on their classes.
How to Recreate the Panic of Shopping Week
Shopping week usually instills a sense of chaos reminding us that school is back, and there’s no reason that can’t be true this year. During this pandemic, we’re all craving a sense of normalcy. Use this guide to help continue your shopping week traditions from years past.
Quiz: Does Your Professor Care About You?
Here is a quick test to see if the class you’re looking at reflects a caring, supportive professor who can soothe your soul during the trials and tribulations presented by an online Fall 2020.
Tag Yourself: Which Canvas Site Are You?
As Fall semester approaches and the search for courses begins, you may notice how different each professor’s canvas site is. Do not underestimate how much a Canvas site can reveal. Take this quiz to find out which Canvas site you are.
Days Before Enrollment Deadline, Students Decry Disappearance of Course Evaluations from My.Harvard Site
When Harvard College students logged on to my.harvard earlier this week, some noticed a mysterious change: the disappearance of course ratings — known as Q Guide scores — from course listings.
How To: Get Ready for Virtual Shopping Week
Shopping week — five days of excitement for new classes, vigor from a restful summer break, and nervousness from the overwhelming course catalog. This is the first time that shopping week will be held online before the start of the semester, so here are a few tips from Flyby to make the most out of it. Extra points if you proudly wear your pajamas and eat breakfast in front of the entire class!
Harvard College to Require Pre-Registration for Fall Classes
Harvard undergraduates will pre-register for courses for the first time this fall, according to an internal email circulated to Government department faculty.
Large GenEd Course during Shopping Week
During shopping week, students are free to attend any lecture that piques their interest, often leading to overcrowding. After the novel coronavirus outbreak, exceeding occupancies of lecture halls may be a potential concern.
New Gen Ed Lottery System Marks 'Significant Improvement,' Khurana Says
Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana said he thinks Harvard’s new lottery system for General Education courses marks a “significant improvement” over the previous process in a Tuesday interview.
Gened Lottery Reax
During shopping week, students overflowed into the hallways of Sever Hall, as they attempted to shop GENED 1142.