



Protesters hold signs at a rally in support of Harvard custodians, who are renegotiating their contract with the University.


Harvard Club of Boston Wait Staff Suing Employer

The wait staff of the Harvard Club of Boston is suing their employer for violating the Massachusetts “Tip Law,” alleging that the club management charged service charges which management then failed to distribute to workers.

Occupy Harvard's First Night

Occupy Harvard's First Night

Occupy Harvard's First Night

Occupy Harvard's First Night: An Eyewitness Account

Roberto F. Velez '03, a teaching fellow in the Visual and Environmental Studies Department, shot this video of last Wednesday's Occupy Harvard protest depicting the night as it unfolded.


In Final Week of Bargaining, Custodians Express Concerns

As custodians enter their final week of bargaining over their union’s contract with Harvard, union leaders say there are a number of issues on which the University and workers have not yet reached an agreement.


HUPD Lays Off Two Police Officers

Harvard recently lost an arbitration regarding employees’ payment and benefits with the Harvard University Police Association, the union which represents the police.

Harvard Law School

HLS Refutes Labor Union's Claims

A Harvard Law School internal investigation concluded that the majority of complaints made by Law School custodians in September—which included ...


Custodians Seek Better Contract

Over 400 Harvard-affiliated custodial workers signed a petition “in support of a just contract,” which a delegation of approximately ten custodians and union members then presented to University President Drew G. Faust’s office on Monday.


Union Protests Changes to Health Care Package

The University plans to increase the price of a health care plan for some Harvard retirees, a move objected to by the Harvard Union of Technical and Clerical Workers.

On Campus

Students Launch Campaign on Wages at 375th Celebration

Student Labor Action Movement members hung signs from freshman dormitories and handed out fliers that championed workers’ rights.

Harvard Divinity School

Custodians Protest Cuts in the Number of Hours Worked

A delegation of almost ten Harvard Divinitiy School custodians went to the school’s building manager on Thursday to protest what they are calling “unnecessary” cuts in the number of hours worked by the custodial staff.


Harvard Union Members Join Occupy Boston Movement

Harvard workers and union members are flocking to the Occupy Boston movement in protest of what some call the University’s “submission to a corporate model.”

Harvard Law School

Law School Labor Dispute Enters Second Stage

Harvard Law School has concluded the first phase of an investigation into what workers called discriminatory labor practices, including unfairly firing longtime employees and requiring those who speak Spanish to learn English.


Security Guards Vote to Accept Contract

Harvard’s security guards confirmed in a vote late Wednesday night a new contract that guarantees a 15.3 percent wage increase ...


Dining Hall Workers Vote in Support of Contract

Dining hall workers voted in a new five-year contract with the University on Monday night, after discord regarding workers at Harvard Business School caused the union to delay the contract vote from last Monday for fear that the workers would vote it down.
