
Gen Ed

The Science of Happiness

CS50 Tops Course Enrollment While Popular Gen Eds Fall Short Due to Course Caps

Computer Science 50: “Introduction to Computer Science” retained the reigning spot as the College’s largest course this fall, a distinction held by the perennially popular Economics 10a: “Principles of Economics” up until 2017.

The Science of Happiness

Gen Ed Office Creating New Lotteried Enrollment System As Faculty Criticize Course Caps

As students wrap up shopping week and faculty finalize course enrollments, several instructors in the College’s new General Education program say they are confused and frustrated by a rule capping their classes at 250 students.

The Science of Happiness

Harvard Launched Sweeping Changes to Undergrad Education This Semester. Here’s What You Need to Know.

As returning students begin another year at Harvard, many will confront different requirements for completing their degrees than those in effect when the graduating class left last spring.

The Science of Happiness
Gen Ed

The Science of Happiness

Students crowd into a lecture hall in William James to shop GENED 1154: "The Science of Happiness."

Fall in Harvard Yard
Gen Ed

Shopping Week To Stay — For Now

The Faculty also sparred over and ultimately approved a proposed Quantitative Reasoning with Data requirement for the General Education program. Students beginning with the Class of 2023 must now take a class that allows them to “think critically about data.”

University Hall

Dean of Undergraduate Education Claybaugh Seeks to Improve Faculty Teaching, Advising

Claybaugh said one of her main priorities in the years ahead is to “do more” with academic advising, a request undergraduates have expressed to her since she took office. In particular, she hopes to pair students with advisers more tailored to their concentrations and focus on identifying common sources of academic stress.

Literature of Social Reflection Course
Gen Ed

Literature of Social Reflection Course

General Education 105: “Literature of Social Reflection” was taught by Dr. Robert M. Coles ‘50.

University Hall

Harvard Professors Prepare for New General Education Program Rollout

Faculty members gearing up to teach General Education courses under the revised program this fall say they are excited about the prospect of reaching new students. Some faculty members are preparing entirely new curricula to fit the requirements, while others are revamping previously offered courses to reach a broader audience.

Language Credit
Gen Ed

Language Credit

Eli J. Langley '20 received a language credit this semester for his work on Koasati — a tribal language he has worked to preserve.

University Hall

Faculty to Vote On Altered Foreign Language Requirement at November Meeting

A new proposal would eliminate the “written component” of the requirement, allowing students to instead use languages such as American Sign Language and Ancient Greek to fulfill that demand.

Popular Course Enrollment

Popular Course Enrollment

Popular Course Enrollment

Popular Course Enrollment

Popular Course Enrollment

Computer Science, Greek Mythology Classes Surpass Intro to Economics in Top Fall Course Enrollment

Computer Science 50 led course enrollment numbers with 724 undergraduates, according to data from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences registrar’s office Thursday.

Faculty Meeting

Claybaugh to Serve as Interim Faculty Director of the Program in General Education

Faculty Director of the Program in General Education Jason P. Mitchell has stepped down after serving a year in the position.

University Hall

English Professor Claybaugh Will Be Next Dean of Undergraduate Education

Amanda Claybaugh will replace Jay M. Harris, starting July 1. Harris, who has served as dean since 2003, announced he would step down in Dec. 2017.
