Not So Fast, CS
It is with great joy that professors, students, and faculty welcomed the record number of women who declared computer science ...
What Are We Testing, Anyway?
The College Board has received criticism after some versions of the March SAT Reasoning Test included an essay question about reality television. The essay prompt asked , “How authentic can these shows be when producers design challenges for the participants and then editors alter filmed scenes? Do people benefit from forms of entertainment that show so-called reality, or are such forms of entertainment harmful?”
Her Step Backward
“Her Campus”, striving to celebrate independent women, ultimately falls short of its goal and instead perpetuates the very obstacles that stand in the way of women’s social equality.
The Tea Party Hangover
Tea Party supporters envision a nation where all white, U.S.-born men are endowed with certain inalienable rights to gas-guzzling trucks, guns, and health care debt.
You’re Hired, Mr. President
It’s that time again. Every four years, a plethora of presidential hopefuls creep out of the political woodwork. Often, the ...
Support Our Sports
Having a thriving athletic program is an important part of the undergraduate experience, both for the athletes and for those who support them.
Clouds Over the Sunshine State
And so it is fitting that it was on April 2, 2011, the 498th anniversary of the day Ponce took his skills to South Beach, that I came to the conclusion that it is high time we cut Florida loose.
Exposing the Truth
In the wake of the most recent round of budgetary brinkmanship, had the federal government indeed shut down last Friday ...
Admirers from Afar
The sport has spawned a generation of ardent fans among those who grew up without even playing cricket.
Imperfect Attendance
Perhaps Harvard tried to address this long ago when it first implemented a policy that required professors to hold weekly office hours—yet this policy is not as efficient as it could be. The next step would be to implement a mandatory office hour attendance requirement for all students.
From the Poor to the Rich
On Tuesday, Paul Ryan, the chair of the House Budget Committee, released a 2012 Republican budget proposal that eviscerates America’s ...
Why Wait for Superman?
While the statistics can inspire, they can also add fuel to the already growing fire of disrespect for American schooling.
Born to Bracket
True, public acceptance of Obama’s NCAA bracketing centers around a simple truth: Presidents are people, too
Advising Matters
Perhaps the real concern is not the advising system, but the tutor selection process itself.
The Constitution and ‘Ching Chong’
The online community was not at all forgiving to the words “ching chong, ling long, ting tong.”