




Why You Should Choose Yale: The Musical

A few days ago, we reported that Harvard's latest attempt to entice prefrosh involves changing the name of the "April Visiting Program" to something more fun. This weekend, we found out what our friends in New Haven have been working on: a lusciously filmed, perfectly choreographed admissions video that makes getting an education at Yale seem like just another a day at Disneyland.




Prefrosh Weekend Gets an Extreme Name Makeover

Most of us are able to claim that we were, at one time, wide-eyed prefrosh wandering around the Yard, but now, those carefree days, formally called the April Visiting Program, are about to get a bit of a revamping.


College To Resume Accepting Transfer Applications

Harvard College will revive its transfer admissions program after a two-year hiatus, welcoming applications this spring for entrance in the fall of 2010, University officials announced today.


Harvard Receives Record-Breaking Number of Applications

Over 30,000 students—a record-breaking number—have applied for admission to the Harvard Class of 2014.


International Freshmen Get Travel Funds

Travel allowances for freshmen international students on financial aid will double in light of the upcoming January Term, Associate Director of Financial Aid Janet Irons said yesterday.


Admissions Recruits Abroad on Tight Budget

Director of International Admissions Robin M. Worth ’81 spent one of her nights in Tanzania sleeping on the floor, dining on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, during Harvard’s three-week recruiting trip to Africa at the beginning of the year.


Start-Up Targets College Applicants

College Confidant, a networking Web site that aims to demystify college life and the admissions process, launched Monday.

Higher Education

Yale: So (Not) Hot Right Now

According to the Yale Daily News, Yale's admissions office received 5% fewer application for early admission, down to 5,265 from ...

Higher Education

MIT May Add 300 To Undergrad Class

The student population in Cambridge may swell by another 300 undergrads in the next few years, due to MIT’s tentative plan to increase the size of its student body.

Higher Education

Study Shows Enrollment Rise

Despite a recent study’s findings that college enrollment hit an all-time high in October 2008, the College has not seen ...
