
Quincy Qulture

When we asked the House Committee (HoCo) chairs, Varun Suraj ’26 and Aidan C. Pesce ’26, if there was a Quincy “type” or personality, Pesce immediately responded no. “Everyone loves Quincy unless you hate people; it’s as simple as that,” he said, with Suraj adding that “Quincy is big enough and there’s enough going on that no matter who you are, there’s something for you.”


From hanging out and enjoying free food at biweekly, themed festas to Quinski, their annual ski-themed bash, there are always activities for Quincy residents to explore. Quinski, which took place earlier this year in February, is a relatively new tradition. Though it’s merely two years old (the age of a literal toddler) the event has already proven to be a great success. Although it takes place indoors (mercifully, considering the freezing temperatures at night), people were more than happy to go all in on the ski theme, showing up with snow goggles, snow pants, and more. With a collection of giant inflatable penguins (Quincy’s mascot), great music, and winter decorations galore, what’s not to love?

In the fall, Quincy has its annual exorcism of the spirit of the House namesake, Josiah Quincy. Yes, you just read that right. While this might be slightly disconcerting at first, it’s not weird per se, just rising sophomores in the courtyard “casting out, like, the demons of bad habits,” according to Pesce. Let’s be honest, we all need an activity like this (another tradition for Housing Day Eve?). Alongside that tradition, Quincy has a field day in which every class competes against each other. This isn’t exclusive to the students; the House tutors jump into the fun as well!


Transitioning into the spring semester, Quincy hosts a very fun Qarnival, which is exactly what it sounds like — a Quincy carnival! The fun doesn’t stop there, as they also host a House-wide game of Quincy Assassins. For Quincy residents, this is definitely one of the most exciting highlights of the year. Don’t be fooled — this game is intense; last year it ended with a 30-minute one-on-one standoff duel in the courtyard. Quincy Assassins participants don’t hold back — after all, there’s an entire rulebook dedicated to the game, a golden gun that’s hidden at a different location every day at midnight, and immunity from being shot if you’re, um, naked… That’s dedication.

From Old to New

Quincy House, often dubbed “The People’s House,” really lives up to its nickname. Within the first ten minutes of my meeting with Pesce and Suraj, I’d been swiped into the building by a random Quincy resident (if you’re reading this — thanks!), welcomed into Quincy dhall, and been the recipient (by proxy) of dozens of waves and greetings sent our way. It’s abundantly clear that, at around 500 students, Quincy House is bound to have a place for everyone. From what Suraj would describe as the “always packed” dhall to their iconic library, aptly named the Qube, rising sophomores — whether they dream of getting Quincy or have never heard anything about it before — have plenty to be excited about.


The two primary residential dorms are Stone Hall and New Quincy. Stone Hall, the older of the two (and, thus, once fittingly referred to as Old Quincy), was renovated about a decade ago. New Quincy, on the other hand, has not yet undergone renovations. It opened in 1959 and was the first addition to the original seven River Houses, which were built thirty years prior. Another housing option is DeWolfe overflow housing, which offers apartment-style accommodations — you even get your own kitchens and sometimes bay windows or balconies! Speaking of balconies, the balcony suite in New Quincy is one of the House’s most iconic locations. According to Pesce, the suite “is located right by the Qube…it is the only eight-person suite in New Quincy and the only one with a balcony. Everyone knows of the Currier Ten-Man, but I’d say the balcony suite is like the cousin to the Currier Ten-Man.”


But even if you’re not one of the lucky eight, fear not; with the main dorms built in a modern high-rise architecture style, Quincy residents (especially those in New Quincy) can easily look down (literally, not figuratively, I hope) on those in the more traditionally built neighboring Houses. Most sophomores end up getting placed in hallway singles or doubles in Stone Hall, with open social spaces and study rooms, but suites are also an option for residents.

All About Amenities

In terms of amenities, Quincy will never leave you wanting. The House boasts a spacious gym, a theater, and a pottery studio run in part by the Office for the Arts, offering free workshops for Quincy residents to enjoy… and make a mess. There are also plenty of study spaces; the HoCo chairs both frequent the Qube, but Suraj enjoys just hanging out in the dhall to simultaneously socialize and do work — an utter fantasy that we all tell ourselves is possible! There’s also the Kates Tobin Room, the Bullitt Theater, and so much more for students to explore.


Meanwhile, on the culinary end, many Quincy students are fans of the House Grille. The grille, located on the first floor, is fully student-run and generally open from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. So even if you’re one of those people who turns in assignments at 11:59 p.m., you still have plenty of time to grab some Grille food and relax afterward!


As for the kinds of foods served, it’s a lot of comfort food — the absolute best for your (mental) health. Suraj tells me “they serve things from chicken tenders to mac and cheese bites, mozzarella sticks, wings, milkshakes, whatever.” “It’s really good,” Pesce finishes for him. The HoCo chairs told me that it’s the only way they use their BoardPlus… and the reason why they go into BoardPlus debt — must be some really good food!

Q(uincy) & A!

Can you describe Quincy in three words?

ACP: “The People’s House”

VS: “Hot Breakfast.” “Grille.”

Clearly food is an important factor to these two when considering the Housing Market (and I agree)!

If Quincy were an ice cream flavor, what would it be?

VS: This is slightly not an answer, but I’m still gonna do it. Last year, at the Grille, they had Thin Mints milkshakes.

ACP: Yes, those are amazing.

VS: And I have to talk to the guy who runs the Grille now because I don’t think they’ve had them yet this year, and I really miss them.

Did you ever consider investing in something like a snow machine for this year’s Quinski?

VS: So we tried and were vetoed by the building manager last year. But this was a very serious consideration!

Any cool traditions surrounding House spirit?

ACP: We sometimes are a little too enthusiastic, we love to chant. Our favorite: Q-U-I-N-C-Y, Quincy ’til the day I die.

VS: Yeah, that’s the general chant; that’s the chant you’ll hear when we go storm the Yard.

Before you came to Quincy, did you think that penguins were the best animal?

ACP: I’ve always liked penguins personally, so yeah, they are pretty cool.

Freshmen, get excited. Quincy House, the People’s (and Penguins’) House, might just be your House this Housing Day!


Need to know more about the real estate market? Read the rest of the feature here!