{shortcode-a0c8ee6011a3b605e46d1c71a9a8deeeaa2b2dae} As we bundle up for the harsh Boston winter, everyone needs a good coat. But which coat will make you fit in with the right crowd? Winter coats, like concentrations, say a lot about a person. Here’s our semi-comprehensive list so you can get the coat that will best suit your needs (or so you can change your coat if you’re worried about how you’ll be perceived).

Computer Science: Patagonia Nano-Puffer

A true CS concentrator in jacket form, it’s all about functionality over fashion. It’s optimized for efficiency, folds down into a tiny pouch, and keeps you warm without feeling bulky. Perfect for the long walks between the Science Center and SEC (the path I assume many CS concentrators take, though personally, I wouldn’t know).

Economics: Canada Goose

Just as Econ is one of the most basic concentrations you can choose, donning a Canada Goose is also one of the most basic coat choices you can make. Whether in extreme cold or extreme market conditions, it’s all about maximizing utility, minimizing inefficiency, and making sure you come out ahead in the long run. (And you might need a sweet, sweet Econ concentrator salary to make up for the cost of buying a Canada Goose.)

English: Thrifted Vintage Peacoat

Classic, romantic, and always a little dramatic. This coat was probably found in a quirky thrift store next to a dusty copy of Pride and Prejudice. It’s not necessarily the warmest coat out there, but the chill is just another metaphor for existential longing. And, if you’re interested, it pairs perfectly with a strong opinion on Hemingway.

Environmental Science and Public Policy: Puffer Made from Recycled Water Bottles

This coat is ethically made and stuffed with vegan insulation, just so everyone around you knows that you don’t use plastic cups or water bottles, and you have a compost bin in your backyard (or maybe even your dorm). It’s not just about keeping you warm; it’s about making a statement. This piece of outerwear is best worn while hiking, protesting climate change, or explaining (entirely unprompted) why fast fashion is ruining the planet.

Government: Overcoat with a Scarf

This coat is just as much about presence as it is about warmth. But at the end of the day, you’ll end up getting the Canada Goose when the scarf becomes too much of a hassle to carry everywhere for a little extra warmth — just like how you’ll eventually go into consulting.

Psychology: North Face Fleece

This fleece is the human embodiment of a reassuring nod, just like your friends who are Psych concentrators. As you diagnose your friend’s attachment issues, this fleece says, “Tell me more about that.” The big pocket in front is perfect to keep a notebook with your ever-growing catalog of observations of the people around you.

Philosophy: Cape Coat

Is it practical? Who’s to say? What is practicality, anyway? This coat is perfect for wandering around the Yard while contemplating these questions (only when you need a break from contemplating the meaning of life). We recommend pairing it with a turtleneck, round glasses (prescription optional), and a performative tote bag full of philosophy books you will even more performatively read at an overpriced cafe.

Like winter coats, concentrations come in all shapes and styles. Whether you’re going for efficiency, prestige, or love of the craft, one thing’s for sure: you’re getting through the cold in a way that’s true to you.