
“This is going to be my year,” we all say in unison at the start of each semester.

But then, on the first day of class, we’re all somehow already three lectures behind and locked in Lamont. Since when were there readings I needed to do before section? Why is there a pset 0?

The transition from summer to fall feels like getting the wind knocked out of you. No, like literally — from the 50 mph Cambridge wind when you walk towards the Science Center. But let’s wind down for a bit amidst the psets and readings you’re drowning in and wind back to the summer and transition into the fall.

Summer: Waking up early for research or an internship you’re actually interested in.

Fall: Dragging yourself out of bed and getting ready in five minutes before class.

Tell me why I eagerly jumped out of bed this summer, but now, no matter how many hours of sleep I get, I’m still tired. Why do I need to go to classes when I can do the job I want to do and get real-world experience?

Summer: Studying abroad and traveling.

Fall: Traveling around Widener or Lamont to find a study spot.

I guess we’re all locked in already. Took me 20 minutes to walk around Lamont to find a spot when I could have spent that time working on my pset…

Summer: Getting a tan (or whatever).

Fall: Getting sick.

Oh… you thought you were sick of working on that Stat 110 p-set or re-reading that same line for your gen ed readings for the past 10 minutes, huh? Well, now you are actually sick. You can’t escape the college sniffles and coughs metaphorically — and physically — speaking, unfortunately.

Summer: Lounging in the hammocks or playing spike ball in the Yard.

Fall: Sprinting to classes and arriving at the section sopping wet from the rain.

Too bad we can’t bring the hammocks inside or use them as makeshift raincoats… Actually, that would be a bad idea. Just be sure to have two back-up umbrellas just in case one breaks from the horrendous wind.

Summer: Exploring new restaurants with friends (when everyone actually has time).

Fall: Eating HUDS food.

Need I say more? And be prepared to spend all your BoardPlus in the first week of midterm season on cold brews from Cafe Gato Rojo or Buckmisters to try to stay awake during classes.

Summer: Buying new clothes to upgrade your wardrobe.

Fall: Struggling to find an empty washer and/or dryer on a Sunday night.

Yeah… as much as you want to wear those new ripped jeans and Minecraft socks… can’t wear them if you can’t wash them… Don’t forget you’ll eventually resort to a sweatshirt and sweatpants (or even your pajamas) when the sun starts setting at 4:30 p.m. and the cold weather makes it impossible to get out of bed.

Summer: Enjoying time with family and visiting relatives.

Fall: Getting bombarded with emails.

You will see your Gmail notifications more than your parent’s messages. You’ll also probably open Gmail more than your messages. Oh, did I mention you’ll see your Gmail inbox more than your reflection in the mirror?

While the thought of dropping out constantly lingers in the back of our minds, summer went by in a blink of an eye, so fall semester probably will too (hopefully).