Senior fall is a crazy time, with each member of the graduating class juggling different commitments. From applying for post-graduate jobs and fellowships to finishing degree requirements or even writing a thesis, there can be a lot on your plate. While we know you’re busy, there’s one more thing you need to add to your to-do list: voting for your 2025 Class Marshals.
So… What’s a Class Marshal? What’s a Class Committee?
The Harvard Alumni Association explains that the priority of a Class Committee is “to bring the class together as a whole, connecting members of the class to each other and Harvard College.” There are several roles on the committee, ranging from Program Marshals to the various House Representatives. The First and Second Marshal as well as the six Program Marshals are elected by the senior class. The two highest vote earners will become the First and Second Marshal and are responsible for leading the Class Committee.
So… What do they really do?
They plan our senior week, ensuring we make the most memories we possibly can as a class, and commit to making sure that our commencement week activities are not going to bore us to death. They orchestrate the Class Day Exercises, planning everything from the guest speakers to exactly how long you’ll be sitting on those chairs in the Harvard Yard. After Commencement, they’ll also be in charge of planning our class reunions.
So… How do I pick?
When deciding who to vote for, out of the many candidates claiming to make this year the best year yet…you actually don’t have to pick just one. When you cast your vote, you can vote for up to eight people to serve as one of the marshals. The candidate with the most votes will become the class marshal (and inevitably, the cover of The Harvard Crimson’s Commencement edition). When making your selections, make sure you vote based on the candidates that gave you pset answers freshman year, respond to your DMs within seconds, and people who you won’t get bored listening to as they do their speech in the Cambridge summer heat. And, ~for legal reasons~ Flyby Blog does not endorse any of the candidates.
Make sure to vote before midnight!