
Parents of seniors, you aren’t thanked enough.

You raised a child who got into Harvard, passed all their classes, and then brought you to Cambridge. And now they want to hang out with their friends who they may never see again instead of spending time with you, their precious life-givers and caretakers? Unheard of! The least they can do is show you around campus in a way that requires a fancy Harvard ID and the know-how to get inside. So, here’s where you should force your senior to show you before they graduate.

Annenberg Hall

This is the classic. This neo-gothic freshman dining hall is not only architecturally significant, but also has the largest collection of secular stained glass in… America? The world? I don’t feel like Googling it. I’m sure your senior, with their completed education, will know. Plus, you need their ID to get in.

Widener Library Memorial Room & John Singer Sargent Murals

Supposedly, the memorial room looks like Harry Elkins Widener’s old study. But it definitely has a Gutenberg Bible on display, which your kid has probably never looked at. But now they will! Something else they probably have never observed but will because you make them? The two John Singer Sargent murals in the stairwell that commemorate WWI. He’s famous! Take a look! Again, you can’t get in without your student.

Straus Common Room

Is this room significant at all? No. Is it the most collegiate-looking room you’ve ever seen? Probably. Your kid can take an excellent photo of you here for your Facebook. And they have to swipe you in anyway.

Harvard Art Museums

Anyone can get in here for free, but isn’t it better to drag your kid along? Ask them about the giant Pollock painting.

John Harvard Statue

Do. Not. Touch. The. Foot.

Enjoy the forced tour! And congratulations to both your senior and you!