Class of 2028: let us be the millionth to say, welcome to Harvard! Here in the ivory tower, we have a lot of lingo that we will immediately throw around without explaining anything. We, that is, meaning people other than Flyby Blog, the best/coolest/most fun section of The Harvard Crimson (the school newspaper you’re currently reading — we’ll give you that one for free). So, trust us to give you everything you need to know to not be lost, literally and figuratively, during this weekend and the next four years!
1. The Yard
The historic home of the freshmen (unless you’re in the Quad of the Yard Crimson Yard), the not-John Harvard statue, and flocks of tourists.
2. The Houses
Like Harry Potter, first-years are sorted into one of the twelve upperclassmen houses. Each House has their own Deans, advising team, dining halls, libraries, gyms, and special amenities such as massage rooms and student-run grilles. What’s the best one, you ask? The one you get randomly sorted into.
3. The Quad
Located on the old Radcliffe campus, the Quad is home to three upperclassmen houses, some of the best food on campus, and the best dogspotting. Quadlings (Quad residents) will tell you it isn't that far, but the fifteen-minute walk says otherwise (please don’t come for me).
4. The SEC
Short for Science and Engineering Complex, the SEC is the cheese-grater-like innovation hub on the Allston campus. There, you’ll find a majority of engineering and computer science classes, state-of-the-art technology, free (!!) acai bowls and coffee, and a plethora of Trader Joe’s snacks, a student-favorite grocery store right across the street.
5. Berg
Annenberg (Berg) is the freshman-only dining hall. As a first-year, this is where you’ll experience heartbreak, tourist break-ins, the best friendships and the worst fights. Fun fact to share with your family: Berg is the inspiration for Hogwarts’ Great Hall and has the largest collection of secular stained glass in the country.
6. D-hall
“Dee-hall”. Short for dining hall.
7. HUDS (“hudds”)
Harvard University Dining Services, with the nicest staff in the dining halls!
8. Blocking
Don’t worry about it yet.
9. Punching
Don’t worry about it yet, part 2.
10. Entryway
The first community you will have at Harvard! An entryway is composed of 20-30 first-years in the same dorm, overseen by a live-in proctor (see below) and a peer advising team who will organize delicious study breaks.
11. Proctor
The equivalent of an RA at other colleges. Typically a graduate student or Harvard employee who lives in the freshman entryway and can support you with anything from laundry to life advice.
12. PAF (paff)
Each freshman is assigned a Peer Advising Fellow, an upperclassman who can share unique insights about any and all things Harvard student life.
13. Widener / Lamont / Cabot Science Library
Harvard libraries! Each has their own vibe, which you can read more about here!
14. The Mac
Gym bros and professors alike frequent the Malkin Athletic Center (dubbed ‘The Mac’). Go there to get your anger out or see your history professor sweating over Ally Love’s 45-minute pop Peloton ride.
15. Tasty Basty
The basement of Tasty Burger. Absolute rock bottom for your social life. Anybody who tells you otherwise is a promoter in disguise. And yet, even the shuttle couldn’t stay away…
16. Sidechat
Harvard’s app-only anonymous student forum that you’ll probably use more than actual media outlets for your daily news. (Except, obviously you’ll read The Crimson every day.)
17. Rakesh / Dean Khurana
Legally, this is not a Rakesh fan account. But also, go follow our favorite dean on Instagram. Bonus if you can make it on feed during Visitas!
18. Concentration
Harvard’s (and Brown’s) word for a major.
19. Joint vs. Double vs. Special Concentration
Joint: You’re multidisciplinary.
Double: You’re multidisciplinary and willing to take more classes if it means you don’t have to write a senior thesis.
Special: You’re so multidisciplinary that even Harvard’s 50 undergraduate concentrations don’t cover your multidisciplinary-ness.
20. Secondary
Harvard’s (not Brown’s!!!) word for a minor.
21. Comp
You thought college applications were the end of it? SIKE! Grind never stops. Comps are applications or initiation processes for clubs. It can stand for competitive, completion, and/or competition.
22. Google Calendar / GCal (Gee-kal)
What seemed to be a slightly better user-friendly alternative to iCal will soon run your social and academic life. Once you start scheduling meals with people, you’ll know you’re truly a Harvard student.
23. When2meet
GCal’s ugly cousin. The last resort when the tenth “that time doesn’t work for me” text has been sent. If you’ve resorted to when2meet, you might as well ditch the friendship already.
24. MCS
Mignone Center for Career Services, because we all know you’re here at Harvard to make bank and sell your soul to consulting and investment banking to pursue fulfilling intellectual enlightenment and better oneself as a lifelong learner.
25. TF, PSL, CA
A course’s Teaching Fellows (TF), Peer Study Leaders (PSL) and CAs (Course Assistants) are graduate and undergraduate assistants who have usually taken the course before and can help you answer questions about the course and its assignments.
26. Animals of Harvard:
Remy: The cutest orange cat. Despite all Sidechat rumors, he is still alive!
The Turkeys: At first you’ll think they’re cute. Then you’ll realize they’re three feet tall. Then you’ll realize that they can fly.
Goose: The jackets worth more than your Macbook Air, or the rabid beasts by the River.
That Guy That Goes Too Hard to “Mo Bamba”: Avoid at all costs.
27. The T
He loves me, he loves me not. The T works, the T does not — it’s different every day! Run by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), the T is Boston’s subway system that services the metro area. Take the Red Line from Harvard Square into downtown Boston for much-needed getaways from campus. Or, take the extremely slept-on 1 bus!
28. Flyby Blog
Harvard’s premier student blog. Publishes a daily newsletter that is a must-subscribe for all Harvard students. thecrimson.com/subscribe and choose Harvard Today! You’ll get an email every morning with the menu, the weather, and events with ~free food~...