{shortcode-775c32fdcac5a1c6952adc4623e2f2d5fe0f7404} Are you a first-year who's about to be sorted, or an upperclassman filled with house pride? Either way, Flyby is here to give you all the information you need to be completely informed about Harvard's ~housing market~.
Find all the houses HERE!
Check out a behind-the-scenes exclusive of the production of Currier's Housing Day video:
3/4: As is tradition, the first day of Housing Day week is QUAD DAY! Get retro, get singles, get feminist. #Womenshistorymonth. And for extra insight in what everyone not in the quad is missing, check out this love letter from a writer who transferred from the Quad to the River.
3/5: Next up is River West! Featuring beautiful courtyards alongside the Charles, elegant House events, and impressive alumni, River West is truly the best, #notbiased. And what better way to prep for Housing Day than learning about the most notable House scandals at Harvard? Stay educated.
3/6: Day three of Housing Market brings us River East! As the river curves, we find a beautiful dome, majestic towers, and more bunnies than we previously thought possible in an urban area. What more could you want? And for the truly most important scoop in Crimson history, take a look at our very objective and scientific house laundry room tier list.
3/7: 3/7: Happy housing day, and more importantly, happy River Central day! Featuring breakfast, bells, and brand-new dorm rooms, these three houses can’t be beat. Plus, they’re close to the yard! And for some real perspective on every house, check out our house gym ranking and house library ranking!