
Being one of the most anticipated weekends of the fall semester, Halloween weekend is no small matter. It’s a weekend of endless parties, both big and small, from the infamous Crimween to dorm parties galore — there’s no question why college students go crazy for it. After all, who doesn’t love a good costume party, especially when everybody gets hyped up for it? But this year, we college students are faced with a question: Which weekend is Halloweekend? With the beloved holiday landing on a Thursday, everyone is left wondering whether they should be celebrating the weekend before or after. Well, Flyby has an answer for you!

First, let's lay out the options.


Tradition would suggest that when Halloween doesn’t fall on a Friday or over a weekend, you should celebrate the weekend before. It makes sense — the anticipation has built and people are eager to party, so why not let them? Besides, the best Halloween party of the year is being held on the weekend before (truly, there is no party like Crimween). Need I say more? If the Crimson says Halloweekend is the weekend before, I believe them.

And if you were to celebrate the weekend after? Well, that’s not really spooky season anymore. With the start of November, some are preparing for Thanksgiving, making the transition from ghosts to turkeys, while other particular holiday-lovers are skipping right to candy canes and Christmas. Regardless, November is a time for cozy sweaters and blankets to block out the chill down your spine still lingering from all those ghouls and spooks!


But on the other hand… Halloween on a Thursday? That’s practically the weekend already. Maybe it’s the senioritis in me talking, or the fact that I (and many others!) don’t have Friday classes, but Thursday itself has just as much potential for partying as Friday or Saturday. And if people are going out on Halloween Night, well many would consider that an extension of the following weekend. It makes sense, after all — you pick the weekend that’s closest to the holiday.

Besides, is it really going to hurt anyone if we extend spooky season just a tad bit longer? Why not stretch out the witching season and go crazy for one more weekend? Really, it’s a wonderful excuse to keep the party going with a Thursday through Saturday bender for all you party animals out there.


So which weekend is the better weekend? Both seem like good options, with valid reasons, but Flyby has decided…

Just do both! The big club parties were the weekend before, so save the dorm parties for the weekend after. If you’re stuck between two costumes, now you can do both (Or, if you’re a minimum effort kinda person, just rewear, nobody really cares)! Really, all this confusion leaves us with an excuse to just have two Halloweekends — and who wouldn’t want that?