
As someone who refuses to believe that November is around the corner and that Crimson Cart is (already???) open, I strongly argue that Halloween should be everyday. If not for the reason that dressing up and scaring people is fun, then at least because I can live in constant denial that Thanksgiving Break and Reading Period are in fact approaching. The great thing about this year’s Halloween season is that the spooky holiday lands in the middle of the week, making it socially acceptable to dress up multiple days throughout the week without getting strange looks. So, whether you are in denial like me or you just want to party it up multiple times, here are some ways you can reduce, reuse, and recycle your costume.

Every day is Halloween if you truly believe.

Who says you’re not allowed to dress up everyday of the year? The only thing stopping you from dressing up as a dinosaur or a chicken on a skateboard is yourself and the possible fear of public judgment. Embody the character. Become one with it.

Gaslight people into thinking it’s still Halloween season in November.

Why aren’t you dressed up?

Incorporate pieces into daily wear.

Cat ears and angel wings are great additions to your outfit. Accessorize with what you have and add some unique flair to your just-woke-up-in-time-for-lecture hoodie and jeans.

Dress up for every major holiday.

A Winter costume party? New Years? Valentine’s Day? Dress up for any occasion or holiday that you vaguely celebrate. Halloween doesn’t have to have all the fun. Yes, a sexy cat is on theme for Arbor day.

Use it as pajamas.

When in doubt, just wear it as pajamas. I am constantly on the lookout for clothes I can wear as pajamas. Free t-shirt from a career fair? Pajamas. Club merch? Pajamas. My Halloween costume? It, too, can be pajamas.

Your costume deserves to be worn more than just for Halloweekend! Let it be appreciated by all the people all year round.