{shortcode-727a0f31b3cf339b16b001d6426b36d4707c7e93}Our weekly column is here again with our all-knowing and professional mastermind advice. As the semester is getting into full gear of psets, readings, and exams, many of us will start longing for the peacefulness and comfort of home. That said, we’re getting a little sentimental today with some tips on battling homesickness.

Q: How do I deal with homesickness?

A: We’ve all been there. Harvard has a diverse student body, with students from all around the world. So many of us (including myself) live so far from home, and really only get to visit maybe 1 to 2 times a year. That’s such a dramatic difference from most of our high school experiences. (Disclaimer: This is, of course, a generalization and does not apply to everyone.) The adjustment is never easy, no matter if you’re a freshman or a senior on your way out.

Thus, the first thing I’ll say is: you are not alone. Most likely, your roommate, your friend in section, your upperclassman big-sib in some random club feels the same way you do. Lean on them! Harvard, though sometimes daunting, is a home of sorts; and the people here are your community. Most likely, they’ll empathize, give you advice, or cheer you up as you remember that they are family too!

Secondly, and I cannot emphasize this enough: call your family. Most of the time, we aren’t missing the physical space we call home (though, I totally understand that as well), we’re missing the people that make it so warm. Call the cousin, sister, mom, uncle, friend that reminds you of the place you’re missing. I know we’re super busy, and sometimes, the idea of a phone call seems as terrifying as plopping yet another meeting on the GCal. But I promise, after talking to that person, you’ll feel a little bit more connected to the space you’re missing. I’d also say that it’s a 9/10 chance that person misses you too but doesn't want to bother you in college. It’s a mutual barrier, break it down together!

Lastly, I’d advise you to explore Boston. Most likely, this is a city you haven’t lived in. Escape the Harvard bubble and explore this huge city you’re living in for 4+ years! It has so much to offer you. The memories you create here are ones you’ll remember the rest of your life. If you need ideas of what to do, read some of our Burst the Bubble pieces (#shamelessplug).

It’s so human to miss the places and people we’re familiar and comfy with. One day in the future, you’ll look back, and potentially feel the exact sentimental feeling towards your undergrad years. Enjoy them while they last!


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