

Quirks & Perks

Pforzheimer House is really as wholesome as they come. Pfoho residents feel at home in their double-decker dining hall and enjoy the benefits of disconnecting from the bustling area of the Yard in favor of the Quad’s peaceful, suburban location. The Pfoho community is pretty spoiled by all of the wondrous House amenities. From the spa’s massage chairs (known as the spfa) to the Pfart studio and quaint Pflibrary, Pfoho residents basically only have to leave the House for class. That even includes late night snacks runs: Conveniently, the notorious Quad Grille is inside of Pfoho’s very own junior common room. And did I mention the arcade? With hundreds of games, multiple gaming consoles, an air hockey table, and glow in the dark lighting, the Pfarcade functions as the perfect place to meet new friends and unwind from the stresses of the day. Lastly, the latest addition to the House comes in the form of the Pfaquarium, a cozy study spot situated next to a large fish tank.


Aside from super impressive amenities, Pfoho hosts a variety of House events. Residents greatly anticipate Sunday nights in their House, when “Hygge” takes place. Hygge is a living room get-together with warm donuts and apple cider by a wood-burning fireplace — talk about community bonding. Another exciting event is Camp Pfoho, the sophomore orientation event where newly quadded polar bears can meet fellow housemates and soak up the last days of summer while swimming and playing beach volleyball at a nearby retreat center.

HoCo Co-Chairs Michael J. Mantello ’24 and Jane J. Oh ’24 both believe the Pfamily is truly something special. The two credit outgoing House Deans Anne Harrington ’82 and John Durant for cultivating such a caring and tight-knit space. “The community that [Anne] has fostered over the last ten years will be her legacy. She really made this House a home,” Mantello said. While the next Resident Dean may have some big shoes to fill, the Pfamily is very excited for the next chapter for their Pfhome.


All About Housing

Pfoho is sure to impress with its lovely suites and roomy set-ups. N+1 housing is somewhat of a rarity on Harvard’s campus, but in Pfoho, you are very likely to enjoy a suite of these sorts. In addition to these suites, Pfoho is home to various hallway singles and even apartment-style living. Pfoho’s five main buildings — Comstock, Holmes, Moors, Wolbach, and the Jordans — provide a realm of housing possibilities for you and your blocking group. For instance, Pfoho’s legendary Belltower Suite holds four singles, a common room, and even a kitchen (!!!). Now that’s what we call housing!


Your Questions, Answered.

If you had to describe your House as a HUDs meal, what would it be?

MJM: *insert your favorite HUDs meal here*

JJO: Low key I would say New England Clam chowder <3

What is one misconception about your House?

JJO: I think [people] should want the Quad.

MJM: Emphasis on the should. Definitely.

Is there anything you would change about your House?

JJO: No, not at all… I love Pfoho!

MMO: If I could change one thing, I would want the stigma to go away… almost everyone I know will come to love [Pfoho]... change everyone else – we’re fine. Change the River.


If you had to describe your House in 3 words what would they be?

JJO: Lots of pflove

Any cute pets in the House?

MJM: Bluey! We have “pawfice” hours where you can just go into the dhall and hang out with the dog.

JJO: We also have bees… there’s that… I think they are pretty cute.

Do you have any famous alumni?

MJM & JJO: Mark Zuckerberg met his wife… in the Pfoho Bell Tower at a party. The Winklevoss twins were in Pfoho.