{shortcode-6dad2130da17d58c90eed11f45f4573b84e38e75}Please tell me that I’m not the only one going through it this early on in the semester? I have no idea if it’s the groggy weather, or my two evening lab sections this semester (because I’m a ~woman in STEM~), but I’m in desperate need of some pick-me-ups lately. So today, I’m forcing myself out of my misery to share some of the things that are keeping me going this semester.
The new HUDS updates.
Everyone has seen THE email of the semester by now (if you haven’t, please wake yourself up and go check your inbox). From new and exciting special menu offerings and the addition of strawberry yogurt(!!) to the breakfast menu, HUDS has truly redeemed themselves. P.S. If HUDS is reading this, I love you all but please bring back the chicken-nugget-esque bricks filled with cheese and broccoli.
The fire pits in front of Annenberg.
I have not yet had the luxury of blissfully roasting marshmallows with my friends by the fireside. However, it always warms my heart to “scoot” (yes, I’m sorry I do own a scooter) past other people being happy by the fire. An added bonus is that my hair smells like soot for the entirety of my 6 p.m. lab section even after that one second interaction.
The innovation that is Winthrop Grille.
I’m a proud Thropstar and a regular patron of our beautiful grille. Not only does it have the best strawberry milkshakes — they bring all the boys to the (court)yard — but it also embodies the *pioneering* spirit of Harvard. I ordered their Valentine’s Day special which was described as chocolate covered strawberries. I received a plate of strawberries drizzled with chocolate syrup. Friends, I have never tasted anything better at 10 p.m. on a Thursday. It was *almost* enough to get me past the fact that I was single for yet another Valentine’s season.
My blockmate who supported me while I was in the trenches.
HOW is an exam given three weeks into the semester a MIDTERM??? That is a complaint for another day, but seriously, why was I literally swamped with tests and assignments this early on in the semester. I definitely would not have made it through without my lovely blockmate and fellow Flyby writer, Hayeon “Rachel” Ok ’25, who was so kind as to get me my favorite CVS cookies as I was on the verge of tears. Rachel, I love you.
Elkay LZS8WSLK EZH2O Bottle Filling Station. Iykyk ;)
I was going to try and add more things to the list but there really aren’t that many things keeping me afloat at the moment. But you know what they say, the best thing about being at rock bottom is that there is only one way to go: up (pretty sure this is quoted from the SING koala).